Thursday, March 12, 2009

PANEL DISCUSSION-"Why is art transformative?"

In the beginning of our opening reception we will have a panel discussion with Dr Michael Samuels, Peter M. Rojcewicz, PhD, and Michael Grady, MFA about "why is art transformative" and "what are the effects it has on our children." This will be facilated by Lisa Rasmussen MFA, one of the founders of The Art of Transformation and pioneer of the Transformative art program at Lincoln Child Center.

Our Panelists
Michael Samuels, M.D., a physician, artist, guided imagery specialist, and author is one of the foremost experts in body, mind, spirit medicine today. His best selling books The Well Body Book, Well Baby Book, Well Pregnancy Book were amongst the first books in self help and holistic medicine. As a physician, he has worked with guided imagery and patients with life threatening illness for over 25 years. His book Seeing With the Mind's Eye was the first book on guided imagery and is the classic in the field. As Director of Art As A Healing Force an organization which networks artists and healers he is a leading expert on art and healing and creativity and healing. "CLICK HERE" to explore Art as a Healing Force

Peter M. Rojcewicz, PhD
Dean, School of Holistic Studies at JKU
"CLICK HERE" to read Peter's essays.

Michael Grady, MFA
Chair and assistant professor. BFA, Tufts University, 1974; Diploma, Boston Museum School, 1974; Fifth Year Honors Diploma, Boston Museum School, 1975; MFA, Pratt Institute, 1990. Grady is an exhibiting artist and former Dean of Students at the San Francisco Art Institute. He has an extensive background in mental health and has worked as an art therapist. Recently, he has led several art travel/study programs in China, and has special interest and expertise in Asian art and philosophy.'CLICK HERE" to read Mike Grady's essays on arts and consciousness.

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